Oh the weather outside is frightful….
You know the rest. It’s that time of year again where we have so much cheer and joy in our hearts💞. Sometimes, we just have no idea what to do with it.
Well at SSChic Boutique, we have this feeling year round.
That’s right, year round. We give over 50% of our net proceeds to various charities and organizations.
We feel that this delightful mood should be every day. But, in light of this holiday season, we have highlighted our December Charities that are doing the absolute most in helping someone in need.
Read about their efforts below:
Habitat for Humanity- This charity has done so much day in and day out for areas across our country. It is an amazing organization that has put people at its sole purpose. This holiday season, you can give goods to any of their Re-Store stores or you can volunteer at any of their local events. If you would like to donate, you can choose from the many countries they help serve on their website. Plus, Nissan has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help double any donations given in the month of December. How great is that! If you would like more information, you can click here: https://secure.habitat.org/site/Donation2?3572.donation=form1&df_id=3572&mfc_pref=T&s_src=DHQOA1612W2001&s_subsrc=hero
Toys for Tots- This organization makes us so happy😊. Not only do they put smiles on millions of children’s faces, they are by far the coolest with their giving. The toys that are collected come from millions of caring and warm-hearted individuals and families that know this holiday season, no child should ever go toy-less. Toys for Tots also allows many local charities, individuals and organizations to get involved in their own toy drives which helps tremendously. If you or someone you know would like to help put smiles on kids’ faces this holiday season, you can find out more information here: http://www.toysfortots.org/default.aspx
Soldiers’ Angels- This charity is by far one for the books. Soldiers’ Angels allow you to adopt a military family to help ensure they have a magnificent holiday season. “The goal in helping these military families is to show America's gratitude with presents for the children and a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for them to purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings.” A little extra on your shopping list, or donating gift cards can go a long way to help these families and their loved ones who serve our country. If you can give and would love the opportunity to help, click here: http://soldiersangels.org/Adopt-A-Family.html
ASPCA- How could we forget about our furry friends? They bring so much joy into our hearts and want nothing but our love and affection😍. The ASPCA is aiming to help thousands of animals this holiday season, and with your help will be able to reach their goal. For only $18, you can help an animal become adopted. That’s a triple dose of cheer! We recommend giving to your hearts desires because after all, that’s all these animals would want. For more information, click here: https://www.aspca.org/
Anything you give this holiday season will be greatly appreciated. Don’t forget, you can buy makeup here and also help someone in need. But if you want to go the extra mile, we recommend the above as a place to start. Happy giving and have a safe and wonderful giving season!